Friday, October 28, 2016

Is compromising a good or bad thing?

When people think of the word compromise, we usually think of it as a bad thing. However, this wasn't always the case. In the past, it was good to compromise and people had positive connotations with the term. Senator Henry Clay made a compromise in the past which helped America avoid a civil war. Some consider this bad and some consider this good. That's because by compromising, Senator Henry Clay increased how long slavery lasted but at the same time, he was also able to avoid bloodshed. Whether compromising is a good or bad thing, it has raised controversy because some people believe that compromising means that they are losing out and not necessarily getting what they want. An example of such would be a small child only gets candy when she answers a riddle correctly. By doing do, the teacher is able to get the child to answer the questions and the child is able to get candy AFTER she has answered the question. Both individuals sacrifice something in order to create middle ground. Another example of compromising would be deciding what days to work throughout the week. The student would have to compromise with the boss to decide what days to work and figure out what days that they are definitely unavailable. That is all for this week.

Until next time :)

1 comment:

  1. Ellen, I agree with you on how people might see compromising as a negative and positive thing. In my opinion, I don't think that there is anything wrong with compromising. The way I see it, both parties are being benefited even though they have to give something up. In the end, it's usually a small price to pay. However, I was sort of unclear about your claim. Do you think compromising is positive or negative? Other than that, great blog.
