Saturday, December 17, 2016

Gender Neutral Products - Commercials

We have all seen commercials for products such as shampoo and conditioner before. However, despite being gender neutral, these commercials target a specific gender as their audience. For an example, the Pantene commercials use Selena Gomez as the spokesperson to appeal to women about how Pantene shampoo and conditioner would help make their hair shiny and smooth like Selena's hair. The shampoo brand makes shampoo and conditioner for both men and women yet in their commercials, their main audience are women. Not only are commercials like this but so are advertisements. Have you ever received a booklet in the mail from a clothing store? These booklets tend to advertise gender neutral clothing such as t-shirts, jackets, and even socks depending on the season. However, when it comes to female merchandise, words like "slim" and "fashionable" are used and for men, words like "muscular" or even "boss" are used to appeal to a specific gender party. Even advertisements for daily necessities such as shavers and deodorant used different words to try to appeal to certain people. If there was an advertisement for women's deodorant, you would never hear words like "strong" and "power". Despite products being gender neutral, companies market to specific genders and the reason is unclear as to why they would do such a thing. 

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