Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Winter Break Assignment


Throughout the recent years, gender identity has been defined as "an individual's internal sense of gender". In the article, the term gender is determined by individuals while the term sex is given by society. This is became the term sex refers to specific parts of the body that will determine whether one is female or male. This also extends to race as shown recently when a "white" woman identified herself as an African American. I understand that such things shouldn't be determined by society but I don't think that things that can be seen such as physical features and race can be denied just because the individual does not identify themselves as such. If a person was born with male body parts, then their sex is male because it is based off of their anatomy. The LGBT community is a different story because people that are transgender believe that they are trapped in another body and not denying their sex or gender. I believe that depending on our word choice, people may perceive us differently and the way we view each other changes.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!

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